5 months ago

Random rant

I honestly don’t get why people judge others for what they like. If the person isn’t being toxic or mean about it, leave them be and mind your own business. You don’t have to be a dick to someone for simply enjoying something that you don’t unless you have a justifiable reason for it, it’s only going to make an ass out of you and, depending on who your around, make the other person look bad. As someone who has been judged for reasons like this before (and has to hide my interests daily out of fear) I am rather passionate about this. Like me for example, I enjoy watching Quest 89, if someone were to judge me about that it would only make them look like an asshole. You don’t have to like it, I don’t care, as long as you leave me alone about it we won’t have a problem. I know it’s not ordinary for me to post about this type of stuff, but I just thought this was an important message. So at the end of the day, don’t ever judge someone for what they like, it makes an ass out of you and you only. Thank you



Next up

showed this movie to my dad would recommend

I have turned my boy into a cat! I love him help

#CatArt #DuckTheGreatWesternEngine #DuckTTTE

i still have the same amount of energy from 2 nights ago I’ve officially gone insane

Today is a special day 💗

Me & Sarah have been together 11 years! 🤯 We've been through a lot together & we're stronger than ever. She's my rock, my best friend & truly my "better half" ❤️ Sorry to be randomly soppy 😂

mrsans tryna unpossess daniel in round 3 be like


- 2am this morning...

Seb being like 'No Dad I'm not going back to sleep' 😈

Still wouldn't change being a dad for the world 😅

(But I may have to go back to sleep for a little bit then try get some video edited for today if I can)

It’s like 10:50 pm on a monday and i have a burst of energy preventing me from sleeping so im watchin mrsans and frens bruh

went for a walk the other day and saw a cat that looks exactly like mine who tf cloned Lexi dawg this ain’t round 6

Lil baby Seb already doing some Practice Sitting 😂 only 9 weeks old 😍👶 I'll have him gaming in no time 🎮😄

been watching this series a lot recently so i made my favourite character into a cat

#MrsansVsInvert #CatArt