11 months ago

random thing, if you play a leaked song by Oliver Tree called "Please Don't Go" from 0:25 and watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3szUftGD7E (mute it cuz it has audio) and it will sync :3

Oliver Tree - Please Don't Go [Music Video] (Lost Media)
Este video estuvo perdido por muchos años, solamente se tenia la imagen publicada de la miniatura y tampoco se sabia a que canción pertenecía.Hace aproximada...

so the song for the lost music video is Please Don't Go


also to further proof this when he says "no", "please don't go" or "never" he makes a hand movement thing, another example of this is when he is asking to please don't go he prays with his hands

if your wondering why the music video is "lost" apparently half of the footage got stolen and the song was never released

also shots the music video did have -

Oliver dancing on top of a abandoned mini-bus in a scrapyard

Oliver driving a pocket bike through a farm

Oliver and Casey (the guy with the orange makeup) dancing on Santa Cruz River Walk and diving into the water as the final shot



Next up

happy easter :3



No Way :3

dream place 2. strange dream where i was in a pool, this was probably some sort of entrance for it around the corner

sand castle kotek :3

#FanArtFriday Halo Halo Halo

new kotek :3