7 months ago

random throwback to joltober 2020 cus that was actually a banger and unironically better than what we have now #joltober #joltober2020 #nostalgia



Next up

Chinese social media out of context

#meme #memes #outofcontext #nocontext


(Made with ibis paint)

in a hotel room

on my laptop

looked up to find the most suspicious looking lamp ever

my old room got renovated so I was made to switch and move rooms again except for the part where it looks depressing af (ignore the breathing)

When you wake up at 3am and you remember that embarrassing thing you did in school when you were 13

haven’t posted for too long so here :3

#nocontext #meme #memes #outofcontext

accidentally dyed my braces after eating too much lemon throat lozenges help

"I had a stroke reading that"

I know its been a while, but here is a small video a did based on something someone by the name "matt rose" did

sick af anyway how are yall

#meme #memes