Ease Collection
2 years ago

Ranking every single Ease game out of boredom for a "300 view special"

Boring pre-list rant:

I'm not gonna lie, making this list was hard. There is no objectively "worst" Ease game because all of them are SO BAD IN THEIR OWN WAY. Its kind of the reason I made "Ease Collection" in the first place, to make the Ease games actually playable. For shortest Ease game, you'd have Ease 1. For the most ripped off Ease game, you'd have Ease 5 (Its not its own game, it got the Super Mario Bros 2 treatment and just replaced the characters in Spidertest's 3D platformer with Ease). For the most cringe Ease game, that would HAVE to be Ease 11. For the most boring Ease game, that would have to be Ease 9. Even when I made the game 6 years ago, I knew darn well it was trash that I even turned off comments and said the REASON I turned it off was because I didnt want anyone talking about the "education" in the game. There ARE some mediocre Ease games that actually PASS as a game like Ease 2 (more like an arcade game but eh still a game), Ease 3, Ease 4, and maybe Ease 10. Just know this list is my personal opinion, because honestly, Ease Collection exists for a reason. If the games were good in the first place, why remaster them?


Worst to Best

Ease 5 - More like disqualified, its literally a ripoff of Spidertest's platformer. NOTHING is changed except the dialouge, an Ease sprite being slapped on the screen, and Ifei appearing to tell you about his "labyrinth" at the end.

Ease 9 - This game is so unbelievably trash that I even knew it was trash when I made it. You literally just answer math problems or something? I don't know what I was thinking when I made this garbage.

Ease - The original game was not good at all. There was "9 levels" except there wasn't. You literally just skipped to Level 9 straight after level 1. I was so lazy when creating the game that I couldn't even think of 9 screens. I even said in the game itself that levels were only 1 screen long. Instead, the game is one screen (you walk from left to right), then you fight Brother Ease, and then you skip STRAIGHT to the dream ease fight. The jumping mechanics were so broken that you usually clipped into the floor after jumping while moving screens. The music was even ripped off, which is unfortunately a common theme for old Ease games.

-- BONUS: Ease Quest - You just watch cutscenes and push buttons to win. At least its longer than the original Ease game.

Ease 11 - Ease 11 has to go here. I'm sorry but this game was a close contender with Ease 9. The game singlehandedly almost destroyed the Ease lore and I had to completely rewrite it. It can be argued this was a good thing though because this game was very story based and a lot of Ease lore would not exist with this game. The gameplay of this game is simple though. You move one screen (jumping over a single obstacle), shoot an enemy with a (VERY EDGY AND POORLY DRAWN PISTOL!!!), and fight a boss. This formula continues throughout most of the game's levels until the semi-decent final boss. I took down the game because of how bad it was but I gave @Lsmar2 permission to reupload it on their account.

Ease 8 - An easy generic janky platformer with a "dodge me 10 times boss" that might as well just been merged with Ease 7. It literally takes place seconds after Ease 7 anyway.

Ease 7 - This game was bad, yes, but I have to give myself credit where credit was due when making this game. The plot was at least taken in a semi new direction and some creative elements were introduced which BARELY puts it over Ease 8. You could either play as Ease, Ifei, or Huggy on their own seperate stories (3 levels per character). Ease is exploring Easeland, Ifei is escaping his castle ruins, and Huggy is... inside a tornado? It was basically same gameplay as Ease 8 except more original.

Ease 14 - Originally, this game was going to be a lot higher up because I THOUGHT the game had the better platforming physics engine. Nope. It has the exact same platforming engine as the older Ease games. It lacks the personality of every single game and its just plain garbage except with the upside down gimmick that just makes the platforming more annoying.

Ease 6 - After being cancelled like twice, the game finally game out. Was it good? No. Trust me, you would want to play ANY game except this. Compared to most other Ease games at the time though, it was an okay entry. Of course, it prioritized plot WAY over gameplay (not on Ease 11 levels though). Ease gets on a plane and Ifei crashes it on an island, therefore, Ease must escape the island. Same janky platformer physics as Ease 7 and 8. There's only one level, which is a 15 second jungle level. After escaping the jungle, Ease somehow ends up in an airship in the sky (its literally like a cardboard box). Then you press the "shoot" button and Ifeis castle blows up in the distance or something like that idk I was too lazy to show anything happening so everything was explained in Ease's speech bubble. I suppose its higher up than the previous 2 because of the "Arcade center" and "Online center" on the island. Oh yeah, I should mention that there was a hub world. It was a yellow square surrounded by a blue square with 4 gray squares on the yellow square. There was "Adventure" (the garbage jungle level and airship/cardboard box thing), "Arcade Center" (You get to play Ease 2 in Ease 6, pretty cool), "Online Center" (Not sure if its still functional but you could connect with someone else through cloud data and... walk around in the same room), and the "2P center" (literally the same as the online center but you share the same keyboard). TL;DR generic janky platformer with 15 second levels and an online center where you move around with someone else in the same room. Oh yeah, and an arcade center where you can play Ease 2.

Ease 12 - This game was... how do I put this? Confusing and short. You just touch colored rectangles and hope it gets you a new item to touch other colored rectangles. I think I was going through a zelda phase while making Ease 12 and 13 or something. You had to get items to progress through "dungeons" which were the same generic platforming as most of the previous Ease games.

Ease 13 - This game was a top-down action/adventure game which is an incredibly bold transition for a platformer to make. I could be wrong, but I don't even think its possible to progress pass the Ifei desert. The time travel plot is confusing, strange, weird, and gives me a headache when trying to rewrite the lore. Heck, maybe this game damaged the lore more than Ease 11 did. Same plot as the previous 2 Ease games, get to The Creator's lab and defeat him. (He returns in Ease 14 don't worry)

Ease 10 - Its basically just a worse Ease 3. Theres annoying gimmicks (Sand area...) with a semi-decent final boss at the end.

Ease 3 - This game was basically Ease 1 if it was finished. Yes, the physics were still bad but at least it doesn't end after a single level. The only problem was that you couldn't even play passed world one unless I gave you "DLC" permission or something like that. I had to add your name INSIDE the project of people who were allowed to ADVANCE pass world 1. Then, you could go to world 2, world 3, and fight Dream Ease in the final world. It was an ok game.

Ease 4 - This game basically defined the Ease series for what it was. A garbage Scratch platforming series. It was the Super Mario World of Ease games. Each level introduced new gimmicks. The infinite jump glitch was written off a feature and the bosses were plentiful and somewhat creative (EXCEPT LILO'S TEST OF STRENGTH). You didn't have to do the levels in order but it was recommended, you could skip straight to the Rock Ease fight and fight Ifei right away if you wanted. This game is NOT good by ANY means but compared to the original Ease game it might as well be considered a work of art. Also, you gotta commend my creativity for the title "Forest Zone (World 4) - Nature Nature". Also, a bonus, some of the bosses "insults/threats" are so borderline idiotic that it makes for comedy. "I need to dry off on you" - Wet Ease (2017, before trying to kill Ease). Very confusing that all of the Eases are trying to kill you even though you are trying to protect Easeland from the invading Ifeis but okay I guess gameplay has to exist.

Ease 2- Arguably, this is the best out of all of the Ease games, Especially the remakes. There's a reason I used this for the "arcade" in Ease 6. Its simple and doesn't try to be overly complex. You dodge enemies, thats it. They have different patterns and you can decide which ones to fight.

This list is mostly pointless though. Wanna know why? Every game on this list is garbage. I wouldn't rate any game on this list higher than 2 stars (Ease 2 would be the 2 star game, especially with the remastered version from 2017). Its a good thing im at least making them PLAYABLE in Ease Collection (and completely remaking Ease 1-5 from ground-up).



Next up

Cursed centaur...

Huggy: Ultimate Edition, a collab game between @MasterGames31 and me, is finished! This game takes place during the Ease comics and contains remakes of Huggy 1-2 using the Huggy 3 engine, Huggy 3, and three bonus level packs made with the Huggy 3 engine.

This is a special #ScreenshotSaturday for Ease Collection because I just did a MASSIVE art overhaul, hoping to overhaul the music and bosses next. My pixel art skills are slowly improving, and hopefully I can improve this even further.

Experimenting with a trail effect

The Spider

Ok, i'll start an Ease Game Jam. Its going to be running on for a week. Unfortunately I don't know how to run it on Gamejolt, i tried. Winning game goes in the collection.

August Devlog

Current title screen (Settings box is a placeholder). More gameplay screenshots coming soon.

Based on a superhero created by @Vanouper, "The Speedman" (An adaptation of the original Speedman story) will be coming sometime this spring

The Countess Concept.