2 months ago

rant: i don't want to bother people with my problems in life but sometimes i really wanna snap

so people in my class keep making fun of me just beacuse i like mother-like rpgs, not everyone do that but most of them calls me "depressed autistic mf" for this reason, and the fact is i'm not even depressed i just like the genre, i know that not every human being can have my same opinions but arriving at this point i think it's a bit too much. luckly after this year i will move from another school and i hope things will be better with relationships



Next up

ok, i'm aware that the coffin of Andy and Leyley is a fucked up game but damn dude- critizing someone just because they played a game it's a bit too much (and i'm not even defending the game cause i don't give a shit about it)

shit- Kanako knows...

i forgot that 2 days ago it was Mother 3 18th anniversary, happy birthday tearjerker game! :)

Starlo!! :D

hey Lois, remember when you were Toriel Undertale?


Mary's first reaction when she met the origami cat in the dreamscape:


silly chara and frisk sketch

Deltatraveler secret section looking fire