Liza the Ungrateful Gameplay Changes and Additions
3 years ago

Rather surprised i haven't gotten a complaint

I was sure i would get a comment saying the mod was too easy or i broke something i missed in my ~4 playthroughs.



Next up

Man, Endless Wastes is looking a bit different then i remember.

Moon and stars out. Yet there's still light as if it was day.

Ryder has learnt a new skill! Sit.

Something(s) for #pridemonth2024


Bit Chilly 'round these parts

Alex Fishing.

That guy from the Tournament flashback but old.

She has found... Cheddar?

Making character battle animations is a tedious and rather boring job. But sometimes you might get something like this. Sometimes.

Remade a sprite from late 2021.

Pretty proud of myself