Three Nights With Lala: Secrets Of The Theater

3 months ago

Разработка игры заморожена

The game's development is frozen

(In English below)

К сожалению, у меня нет мотивации дальше работать над "Секретами Театра". Я уж было собирался выпустить второй тизер трейлер, но понял, что не хочу продолжать работу над проектом сейчас. Во-первых, 2 часть не получила даже 50 загрузок за год существования. Во-вторых, сейчас для меня есть более перспективные и интересные проекты, о которых вы скоро узнаете. Надеюсь, я смог донести до вас то, что хотел. Хорошего дня!)

Unfortunately, I'm not motivated to continue working on Secrets of the Theater. I was about to release the second teaser trailer, but I realised I don't want to continue working on the project now. Firstly, Part 2 hasn't even got 50 downloads in a year of existence. Secondly, there are more promising and interesting projects for me right now, which you will hear about soon. I hope I was able to convey to you what I wanted to. Have a nice day!)



Next up

Hey there! All the mechanics for the game are figured out! I'm really happy that the game development is going so fast, so I'll be able to show you the game sooner. Poster author: Genreys. His discord - genreys.

Hey guys! Right now the game is in the early stages of development and so there isn't much material I can share with you. I'll be creating more teasers as development progresses and I hope you guys like what I'm doing)

Hey there! There is new tiser for you! Poster author: Genreys. His discord - genreys.

Hi again, guys. I'm working on 3D models of the entire theater right now. Here's a little teaser for you.

Some thinks must be forgotten...

Hey guys, the game is already out and I hope to gather a large community. You can write a suggestion what to add in the comments!

Let's play video games!

Hi! Everyone, who download Three Nights With Lala 2 and comment this post today will receive DLC, which will be released on June 16, free of charge!

We are under attack!