5 months ago

Read article first before voting

This is my nes godzilla game ( no title here yet maybe leave a name in the comments )



Rest of the kaiju is chosen by you the community

From mechanics to characters to events to levels

to actual names no worry in the vote instead of minecraft votes if the kaiju loses they might actually come back

  15 votes Voting finished



Next up

Tell me..... what in the flying fuck is this information?! Benji is supposed to be gay

Okay so i wanted to create my own convict n but this is way better ( this art is not mine in the slightest i dud see the usernames but they were scattered on multiple platforms meaning i dont know Who to credit )

Hello everyone He's finally arrived. My figurine HAS ARRIVED! He's stunningly handsome.

Thanks to my parents... ❤🩹

P. S. Yes, I have Godzilla in Hell🦎


mario here i have a message lordx's body is being compromised and put on lockdown for now im in control becouse something is causing him to have a severe identity crisis i will not let him go until the threat causing this is found and killed

the votes tell the truth

Lookin' Sharp!

repost 2