Dormitabis Remastered

1 month ago

Read article

>be me

>year 2022

>13 year old kid

>wants to make fnaf fan game

>"i wanna make a dormitabis fangame!"

>starts working on game

>get decent team

>make retarded decision (as a kid usually does!) that you wanna pretend to be blackout

>because of ditto, guy contacts you

>work with guy to direct the game into what it is now

>guy manipulates you into adding his stuff regardless of quality

>tries to remove guy's stuff because it's bad and you want your game to be good

>guy blackmails you with your fake secret (that i'm blackout :troll:)

>entire career up to this point on the line over stupid decision

>promises to add his stuff to avoid blackmail

>add guy's stuff but try to suppress it because you're passionate about this game and you want it to be seen as good still

>guy notices his stuff is suppressed and blackmails you further

>release game semi-unfinished because you want it to all be over

>guy who directed the game into what it is and blackmailed you for years laugh in your face about it constantly everyday non-stop

>11/14/23 we don't talk about this day, ends the blackout facade

>regret dumb decision you made when you were 13

>whole home address and real identity leaked

>guys finds out you weren't his idol blackout the whole time


>be me

>year 2024

>4/11/24 drive wiped

>4/14/24 guy and other guy hack your computer, finds conversations between you and your (at the time) girlfriend

>blackmailed once again by guy and other guy

>guy and other guy forces you into call to threaten you and interrogate you

>(threatens to leak your nudes to your family)

>comply with them

>comply to leave FNAF community


>nudes and dms have been sent your parents despite the deal

fuck it

>returns to fnaf community

>harassed constantly by guy, other guy and his friends

>be me

>15 year old

>doxxed, face of self and loved ones constantly warped and meshed into weird images, nudes leaked, harassed daily, targeted, bullied, constantly threatened with death, constantly told to kill myself

>"it is what it is man!"

>from just two years in the fnaf community and at the age of 15, your life is already ruined over basically nothing




Next up

Every moment is agony

Join the Dormitabis Trilogy discord server for more consistent updates and announcements.

Also now that I have this page back, join the Dormitabis Trilogy discord server!

Just for you

I deleted the previous post relating to the 2.0 graphical style because it was stressing me out, despite the good reception.

Also btw, refollow CRAWLSPACE; the original page was deleted because I was being threatened.