4 days ago

(read article)

I've always thought I could go Super Saiyan when I was younger... It was a high yet unrealistic ambition......

I never thought of it until now.

Ki. What is it, actually?


Stated from the fanmade wiki (the image above) it's an emotional concept as much as it is physical energy to use while in battle.

It's strange to think I'm specifying this now, but, has anyone ever thought why Future Gohan was... well, weak?


To be honest, I'm not sure why he was weak, even now, but... what could he have been missing?

Additional Notes:




Next up

Thanks you guys and gals 🤍

The Super Saiyan 3 clutch goes hard 💯

Carving Wood - Dragon Ball: Goku Super Saiyan in 27 Days

rate my costume

(yes it's me irl on the left)

There is a dragon ball sparking zero community, go and post things related to dragon ball: sparking zero!


"When are you going to get it?"

"I can't be beaten."

sparking zero so cool 💯🔥🔥

tutorial on how to make hollow nuke🗣️🗣️🗣️

(u need someone low on health)

believe it or not I just created an bluesky account after I heard of this and I just posted my first content, feel free to follow it in the article below