2 months ago

(Read the article, please.)

We did it, we saved @-Wp_Ax3l-, and helped @Ghost133 too. But that doen't mean we move on like nothing happened, hundreds of people are struggling not just on GameJolt, but in real life as well. I am not doing this for fame, but because it's right, and because it saves lives. Every life is worthy of all the love and support in the world. And for the record, I don't see my followers or GameJolt friends as just people, I see us as a family, one big happy disfunctional family, that may have some flaws and disagreements, but will not be afraid put aside our differences to help someone in need. So @gamejolt , if you see this, help us make a change, a better change. Together, we are what GameJolt should be, not as some "fun social media platform to post games and have fun", but as a place that will be safe for others, to let our colors fly like a flock of geese. I've changed over the years, because of YOU. Please share this post with anyone, whether it be family, friends, or even big creators, we need to make a change, because together, we, are GameJolt.

Shoutout to my best friends:

What for? For being amazing people and helping me, and others, on this platform.

Thank you.



Next up

Boy do I love driving on this calm road!

Black Doom about to make this Highway Radical:

Goodnight! Hope y'all sleep well!


Autism moment


Please read the article.

Live, laugh, lobotomy.

Any ideas of how to kill some time in Minecraft? I'm getting bored waiting for every nightshift in MW.

Wtf are these reccomendations