dFrog's Dusttale
9 months ago

Read the description to see why I was gone for 8 days straight (roughly)

Oh okay you actually wanna know... Lemme sum it up for y'all in a word:


Between struggling to post daily to get some sort of following for this game (which thanks btw, 10 followers already is a lot to me), trying to learn music making, code the game, write it, makes sprites for it and doing the writing for it as well, I've kinda tired myself out...

I really love Undertale... But sometimes I forget this game, and my account are made out of PASSION and I push myself too much... So I'm not gonna be posting daily anymore... Just when I feel making something. The same thing can more or less be said about the game besides the fact that 75% of my time will go to that instead.

It's also going to be a lot easier now, as two people have offered to help with music and doing the coding for me, putting a lot of pressure off of my back. I won't name them until it's official in case they change their minds... But things are starting to look up for this project :)

I did think about cancelling it over my "gone" period, but coming back to all this, it seems a LOT more feasible now... So with that, thanks for following the game (or me if you're seeing this on my profile instead of the game page) and I'll catch you later



Next up

Literally 0 progress on the game, but as it's maker I'm kinda inclined to announce I'm making it... check it out if you want :)


if you were wondering, he said he's fine


Some assets for Bridge Zone from Master System Sonic 1

I went to the mall and saw this 💀

(Obviously not naming the mall for the sake of keeping my location a secret)

Starting on the 14th, there will be a dev log every fortnight

Battle UI Wip

I'll hold off posting THIS one to YouTube...