2 years ago

Reasons I want to give up development on The Weird RP.. (My Roblox Game)

Now you might have noticed in the communities bit you will see "The Worst Community On Game Jolt" (no longer there) that is (what was) The Weird RP Community and the reason I don't really want to do anything with it now is because I am just kind of depressed at the moment and about the fact that the weird RP in a few months will be a a year old and has not had a single person play it "consecutively" and other things like a certain Dave and Bambi mod picked up and got popular in only about like 2 or 3 weeks.. I WILL still do the 1st anniversary update then that is it case closed (unless anyone else wants to help) but until then the weird RP will not get any updates.



Next up

every beta ever

i just put a shitty beta bembee face recreation on some of my models and dear god i hate it

hi guys, crop here

officer i swear that tomato was screwed!

long bpo

its time for the?

thats crazy, crazy? i was crazy once, they locked me in a room, a rubber room, there were rats

art post after 7 years

canbi if he had an object show with only one contestant

canbi's full legal name is canbert b. canbi the sixty ninth

Vacuum goofy rooms idfk

render of a new nikki model i made yesterday (because the old model from like a year ago is very outdated)

wimbi remake

wimbi was a character originally meant for weirdness overload before it was scrapped in case anybody doesnt know