*Red making the Most Original Script Bio you've ever read in your fakin life*
Here ya go folks, after so long:
Introducing The Hedgehog Squad #3: Medaline
Next up
2 years ago, i said the game was cancelled, as a Joke.
Well, now it's Cancelled for real + Important Announcement about the FNWR Franchise
It's been 2 Years since i met him, and i can't believe how far we've been trough this, how near we've been each other, and how happy we are when we chat each other. @HTH345 , I love you man (In a Friendly way), You're the bestest from the bests. :)
Aw shi%. (If you're wondering, that's Monger, the main Antagonist in THS Franchise and Red's Main Archienemy)
Another W.I.P.
Red/Redimus Prime's New Design
What do you think of it?
I think it's time to say goodbye to this website with one final post (Open articule) Not before saying: Happy Birthday @JamaldeenKadiri :)
(W.I.P.) First look at Red's Redesign! This is only the headpiece, the rest of the Body may blow up your minds, just wait for it, Stay tuned!
Introducing The Hedgehog Squad #1: Red/Redimus Prime
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