3 months ago

REGRET dot zip. basically a stand-in for golden mutt in PLAYTIME_WITH.zip

alt name is Shadow Hound. crashes the game if you dont flip up the camera on time. no pronouns (basically using only REGRETS name)

ft jumpscare concept too. based off of nightmare



Next up

[ PLAYTIME_WITH.zip ] ruination redesign concept

[ PLAYTIME_WITH.zip ] dooooodles

It might finally be time to give you a purpose, Chum Charlie...

pt_w.zip manifestations thingy.

Cue the fanfare

[ PLAYTIME_WITH.zip ] aftermath doodle + how things will be going forward.

[ PLAYTIME_WITH.zip ] doll doooodle

If you guys want more content while the team and I make something for the 1 year birthday of Playtime with Percy, the page for a super cool fangame made by @PSIAlfur just released! Check it out if you're interested: https://gamejolt.com/games/thepalresolve/894807
