4 days ago

Reichskommissariat (English: Realm Commissariat) is a German word for a type of administrative entity headed by a government official known as a Reichskommissar

Reichskommissariat Norwegen (German occupation of Norway between 1940 and 1945).

Reichskommissariat Niederlande (German occupation of Netherlands between 1940 and 1945).

Reichskommissariat Belgien-Nordfrankreich (German occupation of Belgium and North France, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, in 1944. Retrospectively annexed directly into the Greater German Reich in December 1944 as the new Reichsgaue of Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels, although most of the region was no longer under German control at the timeJust after the start of Operation Barbarossa, Alfred Rosenberg suggested that to facilitate the break-up of the Soviet Union and Russia as a geographical entity, conquered Soviet territory should be administered in four separate Reichskommissariats:

Reichskommissariat Ostland (RKO) (formerly Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Belarus (except Gomel)) 1941–1945.

Reichskommissariat Ukraine (RKU) (formerly Ukraine and Rostov, minus District of Galicia, Odessa, Vinnytsia and the Crimea); 1941–1944.

Reichskommissariat Kaukasien (RKK) (Southern Russia and the Caucasus area); never fully established. German military advance halted in 1942/43.

Reichskommissariat Moskowien (RKM) (the remainder of the Soviet Union's European territories, minus Karelia and the Kola peninsula, which were promised to Finland.); never fully established. German military advance halted in 1941/42..)

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I dont like my boarders I'm Austria hungary

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I love this speech will forever will

History repeats itself

@KaskadePLAYZ_ thank you my Friend follow Her please now I Feel bad for not giving you anything!!!

@Ev4nAftxn thank you but I don't deserve this

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