Sonic SpeedRun X
7 years ago


Hi and welcome Sonic fans….


Here is a pretty simple sonic game made by me and my daughter..
I love Sonic… she loves sonic.
so lets make sonic!!!!


While i wrote the code and so on, my 5 year old daughter designed the Levels and the desired mechanics.
The simple “One button” option was what was chosen due to children who are under the age of 3 could play the blue hero.
A few nice Trophies are in the Game.
And if we get more than 50 plays on the game, we will add another level.
Who knows what could happen from there!!



Next up

"The Horror" made by me in blender

New version released.

Added 3 new levels!

Fixed tic-80 console issue.

changed the "press a to start" to " press z to start" for keyboard users.

Yep, a coal bucket!!

Made by me in blender!

Street Trash from 1987. Great film! i made this in #blender3d and #substancepainter, had fun doing so. Enjoyed this one!

Beware of devil Kirby!

Its great when levels come together!!! then you realize its tommorrow.. Oops. Made this in Unity using a modular building kit i made in blender and textured in substance painter. #madeinunity

Some can walk on water! i would prefer to walk on slime!!!

WOW!!! We never thought we would get this many plays.. We said if we got 50 plays we would do another level, so better get too it. My daughter is up for it Thanks so much for just taking a look at this game! Its done so well. More levels on the way!!!