My Little Pony : The Cursed Gem
9 years ago

Releasing the 1.6.0 RC

I am currently opening a special version of the game. This one might still have bugs and tracking them alone can be long. So I’m offering you all to track them to :p

This new version’s major feature will be to be independent from RPGMVXAce’s RTP. Means the game will be around 100Mb less heavy. (IT also corrects a small translation file bug in the french version, but well…) So the kind of bugs you might encounter might be missing files. If it happens, please message me or comment on the game’s page by telling the file the game asks for.

I dunno yet when they will be all tracked down, I hope very soon, But till then, stay tuned :)



Next up

The player sprite has been redesigned to look a bit more gender-neutral and less like a specific kid with a red cap... I tried to make it possible to change their pajama's colors but, while it actually works, colors don't translate in transformations.

Just to show something else than just pics this time, here's a showcase of all the effects made so far.

The first DLC of 34DOOM is in strong progress !! Expect it for before the end of this year !

A new effect, the twintails. Purely aesthetical. And some new maps too. Also composed lots of soundtracks that you can already hear here.

The japan section is building and will have at least 2 maps. I'm pretty happy of the street one. The other one is based on a recent dream of mine. Don't ask...

New effect on the work: the guitar effect! For now it just plays rock music but it might be used to unlock new paths in the future...

A new map completed, based on the flat of my childhood which comes very often in my own dreams.

Introducing some of the implemented powers. The hand with the eye lets the player go back to the nexus without waking up.

Two new effects, the scooter (to move faster) and the zombie (to move slower and drip blood). Also, all the collected effects will appear as trophies in the real world.

Just made a stats screen to replace automap. It will display more infos in the future I guess... ^^