4 years ago

Remember that I wrote a story to you guys that I recieved a letter from @CatherineNye ? Well, I sadly have more bad news… she is still in danger.😔

(I drew this picture for @CatherineNye by the way…)

She has less than 20 days until she and her mother become homeless. Her mother, Melissa Garcia, is organizing a fundraiser; they need help to get out of an abusive household.

In the story, @CatherineNye mentioned that her stepfather, Gary, has been abusive to her mother in her letter.


So far, $225 are donated… but it's not gonna be enough; Melissa needs $2,000 to move to a safe place for herself & her daughter, @CatherineNye … so if you can help them, every penny counts; I appreciate your kindness in their hour of need, because @CatherineNye is my best friend.


#SaveCatherine #spider_wolf



Next up


Needless to say, my favorite indie game is Bomb Rush Cyberfunk


Ladies and gentlemen, our Wolf🐺Pack has officially reached 100 MEMBERS!!!



Ssshh… Pikachu is sleeping😴

I would rather live in the world of Sonic the Hedgehog… more specifically, Planet Mobius.


Wait a minute, that's not Link! Who is this?


Wanna know who's my favorite platforming character? Sonic the Hedgehog!
