Discord: gix319
Renember Folks, if you want your own Shoezarix Program, contact me on Discord, im still doing Cool things for you all!
Next up
Whatever what i do, i'll do it!
Thank you all for 30 Downloads on FNF: The Reddy Mod 2.5 NewGen!
(Normal Edition: 20 - Cool Edition: 10).
Woah, i think i'll try to be more Active on my YouTube Plus Channel or i'll lose Advanced Access
you can guys now join!
im still waiting to be honest,
also, a new video will be uploaded on my Plus Channel during this weekend!
Discord: gix319
Vs Reddy is now on GB: https://gamebanana.com/mods/515674
IMPORTANT NEWS: Im still looking for a FNF Artist/Animator, if you want to help me out, comment here and i'll discuss about the Project. [APPLY NOW FOR FREE]!
Discord: gix319
Fact: did you know that Vs Reddy 2.5 NewGen was called during developement as: .Project /Stickmen x17 ?
As for Shoezarix Content, New Shoezarix Programs will now be as Custom Program Requests, if you want your own, Contact me on Discord: gix319
(if you can't add me, send me yours and i'll add you by myself).
I've refound one of my Cancelled Projects, at least, Art was done but not sounds...