3 days ago

Report [X] posts.

Tl;dr at the bottom.

Now, i'm not talking about pedophilia or smaller things; i'm talking about posts saying to report people for posting porn.

This 9/10 results in a somewhat chain effect; the people going to their profile see the porn, report the person then imidiately go to shouts and start saying they should kill themselves & that they hope horrific things happen to them JUST for posting nsfw, sure it isn't allowed and teens as young as 13 could see it but it isn't exactly a huge deal.

I get the idea of the posts, even i used to do it (though, as far as i'm aware all of the "report [x] for posting nsfw" posts have been deleted by myself or gamejolt.

But these are still people, probably even teenagers, and telling them that they hope they get violated (Which has happend, not saying all of what was said) is honestly unacceptable.

TL;dr don't wish horrible things on people over small things.



Next up

My favourite content warning clip by far lmfaoo

ignore my voice ;-;

Still can't understand why mf's say "it's just a trend"

like, that isn't just the start of being Transgender, it's just the first time the word meant that.


say hello to disjolt everybody..

Well that turned out better than I thought it would


FNAF games ranked real.

Happy Pride Month!

Couldn't beat all the games in VR so i did in desktop mode.

this game has earned me so many things, including people screaming buthole juice and anal juice in my chat.

i'm so proud of my community



Fanart for @nothingForHandle

The artstyle I butchered is from @stairs2line on Twitter (or X)

Caught in 4k.