Those five nights at Frank's 2
2 months ago

restarting development



Next up

The 2nd tape mentioning the old 1974 animatronics

(spoiler alert: its not the animatronics from the 1st game)

and yeah jumpscare sound effect reveal......

Thank you Scott Cawthon for the memories since 2014!


my fanart for the fnaf's 10 anniversary!

Those Five nights at Frank's 2 - official soundtrack (unfinished early look)

main menu theme

Coming very soon.....

The cameras.....

Here you can look around the small BCR for shipments facility camera system!


This 2013 game would be perfect for a remake ;)

There you go Emil Macko!

Here is the trailer for Those five nights at Frank's 2 !

next thing coming out are animatronic teasers and a 2D animation something like a cartoon!