Sonic The Hedgehog: Project SatAM

15 days ago

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Version 2 Devlog (23/4/2024):

Such a cool name you got there bud.

(Also I hate the guy with the yellow letters. He was being so disrespectful in the chat, becuase he was mysteriously dodging all my attacks, while i was literally touching him!)

*Everyone having hundreds and thousands of followers*

Me with my 200 followers:😀👍

Thank you all for following my profile!

Nah this part is actually kinda funny.

However, version 2 will most likely have an actual death scene! This was just a joke lol.

Oh yeah back to work!

Exams are not finished yet, but I am halfway there!

I was bored, so I decided to continue the game. Sally finally got an actual death scene.

Stay tuned for more teasers!

Sonic 0 is available for download. Enjoy this playable version of the creepypasta!

Having a first look at gamejolt trophies! Everything seems to be working fine so far. Gotta check if you save user's profile so you don't have to login every time you open the game.

Read the article:

I guess you deserve 1 more teaser as this project had been frozen for a while. This is where Dr. Ivo will face against his OWN CREATION!

Note: The stage is not fully done yet!

However, this is the last teaser for Ivo.

CloudyJolt: Why don't you use Robotnik's SatAM sprites???

The sprites: