Replayed the game recently and I didn't like some things.

Since the game's release there were 5 small patches that fixed a single bug or oversight each so I didn't bother posting about them. 1.0.6 is more notable because it changes how the game feels significantly.
So what is it about?
Consecutive vertical attacks no longer require precise input timing (added buffering)
You can now press jump too early and still jump once you hit the ground (yea, added buffering)
You can still jump for a moment after walking off a platform (coyote time)
Double jump item now works exactly the same as normal jump
Alchemists now have a hidden stamina mechanic so they pause after throwing too many projectiles
Forlorn King is now much less aggressive on first playthrough, but stays unnerfed on Second Quest
More levels now have a Second Quest variant
I will drop a downloadable version of the update soon but for now the .exe is a bit behind. You can compare how much more it sucks
Also, to those who haven't heard it: