Item # : SCP-6000

Object class : Euclid

Scp 6000 was found in an abandoned robotics company building in [REDACTED].

Description : Scp 6000 is what appears to be a humanoid animatronic, roughly 2 meters in height, 60-70 cm wide and 30-40 cm in length. Scp 6000 is Constructed from steel plating estimated to be 6 cm in thickness, On the head of the entity are faceplates which are difficult to open. The behavior of the entity is pacifist and kills only those attempting to harm it.

Special Containment Procedures : Scp 6000 is to be deactivated in a 10m x 10m x 10m steel cell with 5cm thickness within Site-[REDACTED]

Addendum-6000-1 :

Item : SCP 914

Setting : Fine

Result : Scp 6000 changed from steel plating to titanium/carbon fiber mixture, and made a heavier thud when walking. Occurrence is unknown.

Addendum-6000-2 :

Item : SCP-035

SCP 6000 was placed inside of 035s container to test durability of 6000. 2 foundation personnel were to check the Containment chamber during Testing.

Scp 6000 was powered on and identified 035 as a hostile threat and attempted to terminate 035, a large electric shock was sent as by re-containment procedruces.

Scp 6000 was re-contained and reclassified as Thaumiel.

Might add more stuff later.



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bon with mic

so because school happened heres a better thumbnail than the cringe old one

white cuboid


have this post cause yes

Portal "Core"

What do you thing?


pov : you shit on the floor in front of your boss

Animation of my logo, what do you think?