17 days ago

Ribbon gets killed by the Dark Matter



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Adeleine.exe kills Ribbon

Adeleine and ChuChu Stabbed Ribbon in the eye with a knife

Ribbon dies from Adeleine throwing a knife at her

My nightmare between TMK and Regular Dark Matter.

Adeleine.exe killed Ribbon with a knife and it's hilarious (HAHAHA)

Fiz just tweeted this today. Apparently this has something to do with that weird Twitter limit thing. (I didn't make this.)

Ribbon dies and Stella wants to save Ribbon

Evil Adeleine killed Ribbon and it's very funny HAHAHAHA!!!!!

For the first time ever, a Fizintine artwork on GameJolt!

This is one of my favorites of his (not mine) newer artworks.

Character: Luna (Fizintine's OC)

Ribbon almost pulled out her eye