3 months ago

"riding the computer isnt enough im shoving it up my ass" /ref



Next up

@HelloWorldHappyDay said sigma..... if you think its fake youre sstupid anf uhhh a cornheaded ninny muggins..

pic of hw saying sigma in desc

uhh dis weeks art dump might start doing art posts weekly if theres nothing to interfere

1st img is next weeks leak

screenshot frm my drafts,, ngl i feel like some people really need to hear this, and i hope tht the person i hinted at with this post notices (they blocked me a long time ago for nothing)

i coockd againg,,.

i swear im working on the comic,, the last pic is a tiny leak

tht actual moment when i put 0.0001% effort in art:


yayyy,, i guess??


- urge to speak

citrus & spool as humans.., 4 no actual reason

we love casting spells