2 years ago


I tried making Gregory in noob form because of the iconic blue shirt that noobs wear

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You want bad art well I have a lot of that but I will only show 8. Don’t ask what some of them are because sometimes I don’t even know what I drew sometimes


Look at what my kitten did last night



I love these memes because they are hilarious

Narrator why

Wow I can remember when I doesn’t have any followers and now I have 65. I can’t thank y’all enough really thank you all of you. You actually make me feel popular even though I am no where near popular and never will be especially in school but thank you.

Pls ask me any questions about me and I will honestly answer them

LSPLASH when he loses to Piggy in the 2024 Roblox Innovation awards:

(I know Doors as of right now is 1st place, I just wanted to post this because I thought it was kinda funny)


My reasons are in the vid