In August 2020,i atarted working on "The Lost Ones AU (old version). The project was a crossoover of Official The Lost Ones,FNAFNG and Corpse Party. I got inspired from these three medias and i made this Project. I also got inspried from Darkiplier To make the antagonist (Not gonna say his name. Only thing You know is that the antagonist turns into Hourglass). In 2023,The Lost Ones AU was canceled because i didn't like how i wrote the story and i wasn't proud of the results. So, the old version is a can of dog food. After cancelation,i posted TLO AU archive. In the archive contained the old story and few character designs (not all of them). Not to mention that the old version brought drama and i didn't accept criticism.
In 2024, i planned to make The Lost Ones AU Revamp. That project was going to be a remaster for The Lost Ones AU,but the remaster was also canceled because i Lost motivations while i was drawing the characters and i didn't wrote the story
Today is December 28th 2024 and It's time to show You what i'm working on (You saw the picture). The project is titled "Roots of Darkness".
Roots of Darkness will be the Official reboot for The Lost Ones AU. The lore will be completely rewritten from The ground up. Since i wasn't proud of the old version and i lost motivation on the remastered version,the reboot will be better. I hope. The only thing i wish is To finish The Lost Ones AU. The official reboot will be canon.
Let me remind you that that "Roots of Darkness" will be a novel. Not a game.
Abandoned by Disney by Slimebeast
Five Nights at Treasure Island by AnArt1996 and Radiance Team (current owners of FNATI)
FNAFNG by Namy G (the Lore will be changed in the reboot)
The Lost Ones by Malrat
House of Velez by DarkRoomGames (the Lore will be changed in the reboot)
Nightmare Before Disney by StellaWisps/SubwooferX3
Minda by BlustreakGirl
Corpse Party by Makoto Kedoin and Team Gris Gris
Fnaf by Scott Cawthon
Team members: Unknown
I'm not gonna Say release dates. The novel will take a while to finish. HOWEVER,a demo will be released in January 1st 2025. Stay Tuned!
WARNING! The reboot will contain Violence, (fake/fictional) gore, sad themes and some flashy images (Epilepsy warning). If you're sensitive to these topics, don't read the novel. You're not forced.