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Gem Rejuvenator, transforms gems back to their original state without their memories except for their role as a Gem.
It's blocks from Super Mario 3D Land, I was not too difficulty when i do it.
Work in Progress. It's the goat with one eye "Mehhhgg!"
This Meat Knuckles gives you 8 defense and if possible 4% critical damage.
More progress on the Player's House stage. btw PvZ CI gamepage exists now.
How we would like to taste this delicious "Piece of Cake" and make us run 20% faster for 2 minutes.
Queen Slime. The powerful queen of blessing, counterpart of the slime king with crystal minions.
A new zombie for Summer-day! Cellphone zombie! Every 8 seconds he stuns 2 random plants for 12 seconds
Новый зомби для локации Лето-день! Зомби с телефоном! Каждые 8 секунд он оглушает 2 случайных растения на 12 секунд
The "Berserker's Glove" is great for summoners looking for strength in their armor and attack speed. When equipped, it offers 12% melee speed and 8 defense. (Finally I get the rig better than I thought, more or less)