Every description is taken from the original reference page(s).
JUPITOS (Eldest): He is the ray of sunshine that enters the room. He's a good role model for his siblings, being smart, bubbly, and sweet. He's a bit overprotective of his sisters. 🪨
VEONUS (4th Eldest): She's quite the quiet character. She's considered the prettiest and the most beautiful out of her siblings, but doesn't take that to her head. She's a nice and wise person to talk to, so when her family need advice, she's a go two. 🌅
PLUTOUS (Youngest): a typical 6 year old kid. Very curious, very sweet, mischievous, and very, very energetic. He's always hanging out with his sisters, but spends most of his time with their mom. 🤏
SATOS (2nd Eldest): the brother who always gives the cold shoulder, wanting to be left alone. He's the only of the siblings who's actually married. He's a bit mean, quiet, and doesn't know how to be kind. He only ever opens up to Veonus and his wife, Nupo. 🪐