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Swap UI by Pluss. Also, damn, I'm a little nervous. I've been assigned a responsible role on the team, and I'm inexperienced.
I found a VERY funny unused Chara's sprite in game files of BTT by Kosh, and with the powers of Undertale Mod Tool and Aseprite brought it back into the game.
New Papyrus's Sprite(kinda v3, lmao), By Pluss(I kidnapped this guy's fam-)
(RU)Т.к. меня взяли в команду UNDER!Swap Sans' Reliance нужно хоть как то нас пропиарить: https://t.me/sansreliance
Удачного дня, ребята.
Remember I was talking about the US project I was brought on? We designed the fight menu today. In the screenshot is a submenu. Chars will be placed like in Scampton The Great and sprites will be unicolored like in TS!Underswap.
The first font with outline has been published. You don't even have to put me in the credits of your mod, I don't care (but I think I would like it if you put me :3).
(EN)Continuing to study Godot. Made Frisk's movement in Overworld.
Пытаюсь сделать систему диалогов в Годоте, пока стабильно сосу.
The game is not canceled. But frozen. Perhaps I'll move on to Godot. I'm currently learning Godot. CYF sucks.
UT Hardmode concept. Sometimes i surprised how fast Pluss make cool shit like that