2 years ago

rules in article

  1. don't be a jerk

  2. don't just post porn that isn't funny anymore

  3. abide by gj tos

  4. no "dark humor" (just don't post antifurry stuff)

  5. don't be a creep

  6. no free refills

  7. have fun

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Next up

finally out of school

how i feel writing everlast lore

the meal

looks like its time for your [ BUPDATOR SHOT ]


this will be the first piece of art to sell 1 bupbillion dollars

my genuine reaction when only my memes get significant traction

here's the new laz redesign


puzzle will be ready soon, sorry for the delay

in the meantime, take this sneak peek

i forgot to post this before but i made this like yesterday