1. No NSFW content (Nobody argues that this type of content is completely prohibited in GameJolt in general, but if you want to do it, please censor the art you want to send, so no one will complain about you)
2. No politics (Discuss it privately in private messages)
3. No threats (Even if it is a joke, no one will like it anyway)
4. No false information about yourself or anyone else (For this, no one will believe you in the future, or you can even end up alone, in the worst case, you will be blocked in GameJolt)
5. No bloody content (If you still want to post this, make a "Warning" that will warn unprepared people for this, if human organs are visible there, then for this you can say goodbye to your account here)
6. Do not disclose your personal information openly (This point is not mandatory, but if you want to open up to someone, then please write in private messages or if you are self-confident, then okay, but keep in mind that "Bad people" will use this opportunity)
7. No advertising (If you want to advertise something, for example your community, ask me for permission, if you don’t, the first time I’ll just delete it and warn you about it, if you don’t care, I’ll block you without comment)
———————-END OF RULES!——————
P.S If you have questions or ideas about what points of the rules can be added, please contact me!