Ricardo milos final history

1 year ago

Rus:как вам оцените от 0 до 5

Eng:how would you rate it from 0 to 5



Next up

the man who founded the Kaspra family diner was very strange and dirty. They believe he is involved in the events of the 80s, in the murders of some employees. And today’s media pretend and are only now talking about the kidnapping and disappearance.

New evil character.

This is Andrey, he will be the villain in 2024.

But from 2018 to 2021 the villain will be lacey,I'll show it later.


come back

GAME IS OUT NOW!!!! (Please read below)


Why it's cool ??

AI top

The Rat Cave is Cancelled


hi all

It’s hell in my life again, so I’m freezing development, but not for long, somewhere until the summer.

I apologize for the fact that you have to wait a long time for the game to come out, I'm very sorry 😞

New design of Seni

Howdy everyone! Minor update this time, but I added bugs to the office, and I think it makes it feel more alive. Though in the final game they will appear a little less often to retain the isolated feel. Also, look what happens when you try to squish one!