This new and final update to chapter 1 is the biggest yet adding features that will change the REOF experience for the rest of the PROLOGUE segment!
One of the big changes is the inventory menu in the overworld, now you can open an inventory to swap weapons use items and more!
Secrets have snuck their way into the emporium keep your eyes peeled because they are not only hard to find but also essential for your success for the rest of the game!
Linked to the secrets are findable items that will permanently boost your max hp to make you tougher for battles!
Carl now has less hp to make battles more snappy BUT he now does more damage for balance reasons.
Fix an issue where every other Carl other than the first wouldn't play their death animation.
Added a walk animation for the player.
Added a confirmation screen when you press new game.
Changed it to where in the cafeteria the story plays out a little bit differently.
Redid a bunch of old voice lines.
Added some new voice lines.
That's pretty much all the new and changed stuff.
A very important note is that if you already have save data for Rusty's Emporium Of Fun chapter 1 you will need to start a new game this is because the new hp system is not compatible with old saves and will cause an instant game over when you try loading a fight, sorry for the inconvenience.
Yours Truly: Xavier S.