P.S. eugene is for size refernce and C is to represent the CLOSET you can hide in maybe multiple its from the original remasterd version of HOUSE but this ones bigger and better
EDIT: added 3D perspective
EDIT EDIT: the contemplation is seeping in i am feeling great regret for trying to make mkhe 5 why the fuck is making maps SO HARD FUck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuCKFUCKFUCKFUCKTHISISBULLSHITWHYDOESMYBRAINNEVERWANTTOFUCKINGTHINKOFEVENABASICFUCKINGOUTLINEOFAFUCKINGMAPRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRSQUIIIIIIIIIIDWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD (i am trying my hardest to make the game good but my brain is retarded so expect a proper map in like 30 years, or maybe never i might have had my few playable maps and i will never ever make anything good like they were again in the meantime i might start work on slendytubbies game to see if thats less sanity draining)
as plankton once said: ITS NOT WORTH IT, ITS JUST NOT WORTH IT and hes probably right so im likely gonna can this game and stop with the fucking SF2 remakes and work on something new instead, likely to happen but not absolutely guaranteed