Sacky's Adventures: In The Park Remastered

1 year ago

Sacky's Adventures: In The Park Remastered has been Updated to V1.1! [Features in Article]

Added: Special Levels Selection in Menu

Added: Code Button in Level Selection Menu

Added: Halloween Themed Special Level in "Special Levels"

Added: Code: SackysBigCollection23

Added: Code: Halloween23

Improvement: Reducing Graphics Quality when NG is selected

Download here

(Newest Version: 1.1.0)



Next up

As of now, we don't accept Friend Requests anymore, If you would like to be in contact with us, make sure to visit our Discord Community for more informations:


New content from our Team is avaliable on our Discord Community, you can join here!


Team Wire Firey celebrates you all a New Year 2025!

Team Wire Firey Europe celebrates you all a "Merry Christmas"!

For people that are interested, you can create custom posters for #TWFProjectValenciennes and i'll put them in the Project Concept around the Park.

Example in the Image

[More in Article]

Huh ?

SAITP Is Now Avaliable online with every levels Unlocked!

Online Play:

you need the latest versions of Google Chrome, Opera, Microsoft Edge, Brave & Tor (IMCOMPATIBLE WITH FIREFOX & SAFARI)

(There some Adverts Interruptions)


A New TWF Direct is now in development, New Brandings has been done. Submissions on The Official TWF Discord can be taken until March 12th 2025, if you wanna showcase a Trailer, take your chance before March 15th 2025!


Here is the full History of Team Wire Firey Europe from the Foundation to now. Thank you all for 10 Years, Stay Wired!