Sally.exe Phobia Renewal

4 years ago



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Weekly Progress Report #5: skcjaljfqklwjdfa

Hey, you! Do you like the humor from this game? If you do, you have problems, but you can find similar humor in my upcoming entry for the Sklarlight's FNAF Jam!

Weekly Progress Report #1: Added a shop!

Sonic's birthday is almost here!

Check your quest log on June 21st to start the celebration!

(His birthday is the 23rd, but our party starts early.)

Wow guys I somehow was able to make a demo for the full game so here it is haha dont look at the date though its not importent haha go download it here:…

Imagine if Sonic Heroes was on the GBA

(not 100% accurate but just a fun idea I had)

Weekly Progress Report #2: fuck

Weekly Progress Report #4: 0̸̲͆1̷̹̓1̵̜͆1̶̟͊0̷̿ͅ1̶̤͝1̴͚̓0̵͓̇ ̷͎̏0̶̗̉1̷̢̄1̴̖̀0̶̛̼1̶̭̍0̴̗̀0̵̢̓1̷̖͘ ̸̗̕0̸̼̆1̸̪̔1̸͎̊0̶̹͂0̴̩̚0̵̠͠1̴̱̀1̶̟͘ ̸̦̊0̸͑ͅ1̵̮͋1̷̘̃1̷̢̀0̷͙̀1̴̦͠0̶̩̔0̵͎͐ ̶͖̽0̶̲̏1̸̮̉1̵̹̄0̴̡̀1̸͚̔0̴̛̬0̴̟̿1̸̡̊ ̶̨̑0̵͎͊1̵̘͘1̷͓͝0̷̙̓1̵̨̛1̴͙̋0̷̜͛1̴͑͜