Rat vs the World: The Game
19 days ago

Saves and achievements in development!!!

With the addition of challenges last week, I became interested in the fact that when completing a challenge, it was marked as if it were no longer part of the list (like in Issac), it was then that I realized that I needed to start working on it. the save file for the game.


After a few hours I managed to make a "functional" but slightly messy system. The problem is that this way of saving only works for PSP, so it was a bit more complicated than simply adding the codes that Game Maker gave you.

My original idea was to make a bed in which interacting with it would save the game, but in the end I had to do it automatically.


The system is simple, everything is included in the game from the beginning, but there is an object that blocks that unlockable. When the game detects that you did what was necessary, then the code will remove that object that blocks it, and save that action. When you enter the game, the code will be read, and the object will be deleted automatically.


Save File

It's probably a bit confusing, but that means you have to change menu features and perhaps play a minigame when interacting with the bed.

I'm currently making the achievement list and menus for early access, but with this implemented, you can expect a first version very soon.


Unfinished achievement menu


New Challenges

In addition to the above, I also worked on 2 new challenges that will replace the boss battles that were originally added. I had realized that the challenges were getting repetitive and somewhat boring, so I decided that each challenge would have something different specifically.

The first one I did was Lights Off which reduces your vision to a very small one. It feels somewhat different and increases its difficulty relatively more.


The second was Tower of Life in which you have to prevent the cockroaches from reaching the goal (otherwise they will lower your life) in addition to having to deactivate bombs that will appear from time to time.


(The most different challenge of all)

With these challenges I suppose they make for a somewhat more complete experience.


What needs to be added before releasing early access is the following:

-A minigame

-A challenge

-Finish zone 3

-Finish the achievements menu

I will announce something about it in the coming weeks.



Next up

New BIG Version On The Way!!!

The Factory (Another Update)

I found a CRT effect that I think looks very cool with the game, I think I'll leave it for the final version.


I have already added showtime and improved many graphics There is also the warning (in Spanish)

Presenting... NEW GAME FOR PSP AND OTHERS!!!!!

Surprise! (I Think)

No weekly news this Friday



New Update