School Haunt
9 years ago

School Haunt Update #2

Hi, guys! It’s KatanaHiroshi, giving you another update for School Haunt! Truth be told, I just woke up right now because I got knocked out cold after I read some… devious stuff.

Anyway, I’ve been changing some things recently, involving the game mechanics so far. The hallucinations will still be a part of the game but will have improvements as well as the T.R.A.C.E. (Totally Randomly Advanced Chase Event) System that’s been scaring the f*ck out of me. I’ve also added a game mechanic as well however, as a result, I deleted one since it would cause a bit of a… stirrup to the game’s story.


The new title scene I’ve been making.

While at that, I’ve been changing the game’s title scene. If you think that I just copied Pitch Black’s style, you are definitely wrong, sir. This is actually a Map Title Scene script in tandem with the ORIGINAL (Yep, the original) Title Scene. I know, my brain is somewhat brilliant to what I expected it to be. And by that fact, it turns out that I have to do something with the game’s artwork.


Quite a stirrup, I suppose?

Recently, I’ve been getting feedbacks from my classmates that I should change the characters’ bust sets since they awfully look like the same person… they mean that they have the same chins, same eyes and the fact that I just changed their hairstyle and clothes so would look like a different gender. And you know what that means? I have to find someone capable of creating bust sets or I would find the solution myself by any means OR I’ll still continue using the same generator but I’ll make it different from the original ones I used.

This may go far from our topic… but I’ve been getting hallucinations lately. It was a f*cked up nightmare in reality. Women in white dresses gazing at me, crawling creatures looking at me and a black figure stalking me. And the actual, the antagonists from the game are actually my own nightmares from said hallucinations.


Designated Codename: UO


Designated Codename: DS

The black figure… I mean a guy with a black uniform with a sort of a ‘void’ in his body was actually stalking me for years. I finally remembered how long because I remember that it was the same black figure when I always go to my kitchen and it staring at from the staircase. The sailor uniform girl with a mask is actually a new one. I’ve encountered her recently from my vacation and she crept me out as f*ck. She was actually outside of my room, waiting to kill me if she had the chance.

Anyway, that’s all. See you next time in the next update!



Next up

It is time... to make another game.


Are mops overrated?

by Zorga

Did you know that today is #InternationalJazzDay? 🎷😎

No? 😯 Well, we couldn't pass up this date!

And what better to celebrate this day than #Pecaminosa #OST? 🎷

Let us know what you think about it and have a great weekend!

art comission.

Call it 'wrong turn'!🚫 The feeling of running into a house with only one exit🚪, and being doomed to die. #pixelart #pixelartist #pixelartwork #art #pixel #indiegame #IndieGameDev #indieartist

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Alone Together....

brung back my old oc plus a new one

...they don`t have names yet tho

Who's is this little cutey👸 here? Thanks🙏 for a gorgeous fanart @WheNa! Feel free to share your arts, screenshots, or videos with #playzelter or #zelter hashtags! #pixelart #animating #unity3d #animated #indiegames #unrealengine #animate #conceptart