The Return to Bloody Nights (Classic)
3 years ago

Scott Cawthon Controversity - Our position.


Didn't really want to post it, but after a while i understood that this situation also consider us, FNAF Fan games developers, too. If some of you don't want to read it, it's alright.
I only today rad the article about what exactly happend with Scott Cawthon. He is in trouble... and for very stupid reasons where you just can become a victim for just an opinion that you can express about any theme you are interessted. In this case it is political and also catches the LGBT topic as well. All that we can say is that we are not always agreeing with Scott but we still see him as a man of honor, a developer, a wonderful man who helped many people and also changed lives of thousands or even millions of fans who belivied in his work. We don't want to defend Scott, but we are not blaming him as well. Last 5 years Twitter has become a place of... discussion, judging and sort of "fights" for rights, any rights even if they are dumb as hell. Calling Scott Cawthon a homophobic is IMPOSSIBLE, we never saw any of his posts, or any messages where he wouldn't support the LGBT community but we saw him actually supported his fans who were part of that community with no problem. We all make mistakes, there is a good side in us, and a bad one. Me personally, i see that Scott didn't do anything really wrong that should put him out of moral rules. But people who are actually threating him and his family with possible harm actions, IS really immoral and those people must be shame of them selfes. If there is something that Scott did wrong, it is ONLY Scott is responsable, his family should stay a way from it. At the end of his post, he wrote that he maybe will retire, and we think it's the right choice. He must live his live how it is, if internet is putting him and his family in danger, he must leave it and desappear. It is hard to take but this is the best choice that will probably save their lifes and we hope that nothing bad will happen. Twitter is garbage, cancer on internet that can ruin lifes of anyone just even for a mistake, ingnisificant bullshit that was find out even in the past life, this is wrong. I personally, fear of end up like this, being exposed for my ideas that can be wrong somewhere and from this situation, i learned a lesson and i hope you did it too.
Out final verdict-
We don't support any type of politics. I don't like to vote at all and believe that this world is already ruined and we can't really save it. About LGBT, we are tollerant developers, many of us are coming from great countries BUT some of them are not respecting rights of LGBT community, but that doesn't mean we don't. We learned alot about internet, peoples rights and we want to live in peace, and we are not blaming anyone for his/her gender, skin color or sexuality. We mostly take people as people, and only the best ones are good enough to work in our team. I appriciate the spirit, your will and your soul. Honestly, i am part of LGBT community too, but i am not into participating with it's debuts and fights against homophobic people, i am just here, doing what i love without disturbing anyone. Scott Cawthon must leave internet if he wants to protect his family and i am sorry that it is happening with him even if he has made this mistake, he still remains one of my favourite game developers who changed MY life too even if i don't like his new games anymore. I said what i was thinking, hope you understand our position. #istandforscott
-The MadMan Studios team

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