Five Nights at Leon's: Remastered
3 years ago

Scott cawthon

I really don't know how to even begin... I think the best way to begin is from the start.

It all goes back when I was a kid, I didn't had a lot of friends I was really lonely, I always felt like I didn't fit anywhere... I wasn't sure of what I was gonna do with my life, the only thing I ever did was go to school, study, do exams, go home, do homework and everything started all over again. I always wonder why do a kid need to do all this?, to get a proper job?... I guess that's the answer... I never understood why a kid wasn't able to do what they want to, every adult always tell me "Kids don't know how to make decisions, only adults can"... It's weird coming from a person that always are following orders from a superior, it was like a kid 2.0 Following rules but never doing what they want... Is that what life all was about? Follow the rules someone gives you, blindly believing what other tells you to believe and at the end you find out that your not that way... You are different, you think different and all you get in return is discrimination, always telling you that you're an abomination. I guess we can't do anything about it, just keep the monster where they want it to be... You're a kid, you have no authority to choose.

I was just a kid, I wasn't able to think or speak... I just listened. At school there was this guy... who always was on his phone ignoring everyone, trying to focus on what was he doing... I looked for one moment to his screen and my life changed forever. On the screen there was a really weird creature, nothing I have seen ever before, it had really long ears as a rabbit, wasn't a rabbit tho... That image went all over my head, the school was over... time to go home. The next day I asked this guy about this mysterious rabbit, he was nervious and sweaty and he just claimed me about looking his things and then he ran away... I didn't knew what was going, was these something really embarrising of this guy? I guess so... I find him again on a corner looking at his screen and I saw this rabbit again, this time I was more serious so I asked him about it... At the end he told me about a really cool game called "Five Nights At Freddy's" but he didn't want anyone knew he played that... I swore him I was gonna keep my mouth shut.

I played a lot of fnaf... I really felt like all my problems were gone... I had life for once, I could make my own choices, I could decide for my own. fnaf help me a lot over my childhood and of course my adolescence... I has so facinated of what this creator made, so I decided to went over internet and find this amazing developer! Scott cawthon... hm, cool name btw. Over my research I found out some weird sites like youtube... A really fun place to look some crazy people doing some crazy stuff, really cool right? Time goes by and one day I found out on this youtube platform someone called "Markiplier", he..he was playing the game that I loved so much!! I tried to subscribe but... it told me I had to have an account, I know what a really weird word!

I looked all over internet of how to make an account, was hard but I finally made it, I could subscribe to this Markiplier guy, he played fnaf and I loved it, until I found out a new character a cat... I played all games by the time and there wasn't a cat so what the hell was that thing.

I could do my own fnaf games, That's insane!

I made some dumb draws and a story about a lion, it was a plushie that will hunt you for a hole week, really spooky I know. But how I would be able to make this? Again on yt... C4D and game maker wad something with the fnaf universe, so I started to learn all about it, looking really nice tutorials of how to make my own creations, I really felt happy, I made something by my own, without boring classes or exams. Over time I learn a lot about social media such as Twitter, instagram, Discord and GameJolt. There was out there a whole world to explore! learning of fan-games, I found out a really good one "Five Nights at Leon's" and I have to admit it... hasn't that good visually taking, all models were kind of bad, but even tho that, I somehow loved that game, one day I made a joke "Men, Imagine if one day I be a dev on that amazing game, lol"

The game dev of the Leon's game was a guy called OA3GAMES, I was subscribed on his channel so I didn't missed trailers of future games, and couple days later there was a particular trailer that gives me a lot of hype, I decided to give a comment down below "Can I be a beta tester" and somehow he reply to me...

Scott cawthon, you gave me life... You opened me the gates for something I never would have thought I was capable of. My life was nothing until I met your amazing game, you helped me a lot and now that you will retire I just wanted to thank you. There are not enough words to give you such thanks of what you made, I'm sure the fnaf community will keep your memory alive, because as me there are a lot of people out there you helped without even noticing, you inspired a lot of people to express their selves into a game.

"See you on the flipside"

~Scott Cawthon 2021

Thank you scott !

We'll never forget you !



Next up



Version 2.0 (REVAMP)

long night

v2.0 is out now!

BLOOD & GEARS: FNAF 1 Trailer Recreation

DISCLAIMER: This is not our official trailer! This is simply a recreation of the first FNAF trailer with our assets for fun. Enjoy! :)

Fun fact: Spirit dog model was supposed to be a floating and glowing girl soul (inspired by "The crying child" from fnaf 4). It was modeled, but sadly it didn't looked so good as in paper, so we decided we used Dog's model instead.


It might finally be time to give you a purpose, Chum Charlie...