4 days ago

"SCP-IX" (The model with which I won Ivannol's challenges.)

The experiment began as an ambitious project under the direction of visionary scientist Ivannol, who was on a mission to revolutionize the entertainment industry. He wanted to create the first animatronic with autonomous capabilities and advanced artificial intelligence, something that would surpass any creation seen so far. This animatronic was designed in the shape of a dog, with a friendly and harmless appearance. The intention was that it could interact with children and adults alike in fast food joints, offering a level of entertainment never seen before.

What Ivannol didn't consider, however, was the danger of the technology he was implementing. In his eagerness to advance quickly, he used unconventional methods that included biological materials and experimental techniques for the animatronic to learn and "evolve." What he didn't imagine was that this approach would be his downfall.

As the days passed, the animatronic dog's behavior began to change. He showed signs of having a dark intelligence, almost as if he had developed self-consciousness. He moved in unnatural ways, and his empty eyes began to observe everything around him with a sinister air. The engineers and workers who interacted with him felt an unsettling presence, but Ivannol was blinded by his ambition and continued his work, confident that he could perfect it. It was then that the first incident occurred. During a routine test, the animatronic attacked a staff member, causing serious injuries. Ivannol justified the attack as a malfunction, but he knew deep down that there was something else at stake. He tried to disable the animatronic, but his attempt was in vain

The creature, which was once an adorable robotic dog, began to mutate, combining flesh and blood with its metal frame. With each passing day, he became more grotesque, with exposed gums, sharp teeth, and a malnourished, creepy appearance. Ivannol realized that his creation was out of control, but still, he tried to stop the process. In a final confrontation, in the laboratory, the scientist desperately tried to defuse it. What he didn't expect was that the creature had already developed a predatory instinct. At the last moment, as Ivannol approached to perform the manual shutdown, the monster lunged at him, knocking him to the ground. Ivannol's screams echoed through the empty laboratory as the creature's jaws closed around its torso, tearing its limbs apart and shattering them. Ivannol, creator and victim, died in the same place where he had given life to his greatest mistake.

With its creator dead, the creature wandered for months, hiding in fast-food joints and causing chaos whenever it came out of the shadows. His capture was extremely difficult, but they eventually managed to contain him inside one of Fazbear Entertainment's factories. Now, locked in a dark and forgotten room, the hybrid of metal, flesh and blood awaits the day when he will be released again, while the corporation plans how to profit from his existence... "SCP-IX"



Next up

name this mf

Farmyards Funhouse devlog #1

today is friday 13th

po wip

the monster in the cave

from another challenge

Another challenge, and this time with a neon theme.

before - after