Djoof's UCN 2

2 years ago

Scrapped characters part 5.

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DJUCN2 is gonna be 2 years old soon.


This has to be in the top 5 worst UCN fangames I have ever played. It is so unbalanced and buggy. Hell some of the visuals are very weird looking. A lot of mechanics in this game are either bad, or poorly explained. May go in depth on a future post Idk.

Scrapped characters part 3.


I have been working on DJUCN2.5 (Name of the game) mostly by myself, as I am getting into Blender. I've mostly been working on menu stuff and it will stay like that for a long time until I finish 1R or get close to.


Today I have three big announcements to show off. I have nothing more so lets begin!

Scrapped characters part 2.