Djoof's UCN 2

2 years ago

Scrapped characters, the finale.



Next up

Scrapped characters part 5.

Posting this here in case you don't follow me, but DJUCN1R's page is finally out!


Woah man

Gamejolt doing an event with NFTs.

Fun. More reasons to hate this site!

Scrapped characters part 2.

I almost forgot about DJUCN2's birthday today, but here I am. I did have an idea on what to do today, and it won't be releasing the MFA or assets, I don't feel comfortable with that. Instead, I'll be releasing the DJUCN1 MFA!

This has to be in the top 5 worst UCN fangames I have ever played. It is so unbalanced and buggy. Hell some of the visuals are very weird looking. A lot of mechanics in this game are either bad, or poorly explained. May go in depth on a future post Idk.


Sorry I did this late, but I made it. To celebrate, here is the project I've been working on for the past couple of months since Halloween!

Game page coming when it is ready.