Musical Chairs with Bulldozers and Other Heavy Equipment
6 years ago

Scrapyards of Fire and Ice: Musical Chairs With Bulldozers v1.2.0

Version 1.2.0 of Musical Chairs with Bulldozers contains some exciting revamps of the scrapyards to add more drama to your demolition experience.

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Round 2, The Pit, is now set at night, with a glowing pit of molten metal in the middle. Push your foes into the pit, and make sure you don’t fall into it yourself.


Round 3, now known as “The Cold Grind”, is now set in a frozen icy scrapyard filled with discarded old refrigerators. The floors are slippery ice, making it easy to push obstacles - into the giant buzzsaw! Just make sure you don’t become part of the grind.


Change Log


  • Added a pause menu

  • Revamped Round 2 scrapyard

  • Revamped Round 3 scrapyard

  • More fun wrecking ball physics

  • Even easier jumping

  • Minor bug fixes


  • Easier jumping

1.1.0 Change log

  • Completely revamped the third round. Now there is a giant buzzsaw that rotates around around the arena, rather than the arena spinning.

  • Hide contestant name labels who are not in camera view

  • Made the speaker tower in the pit taller so that contestants don’t keep jumping onto it

  • Vehicle collisions won’t throw contestants as far into the air as before. This was causing a problem because sometimes contestants became airborne and flew themselves into a chair.

  • Vehicles now need to be tipped over even further for contestants to be thrown out of them.

  • Jumps are a bit easier. You can jump up the side of anything now, except for the speaker stacks.

1.0.1 Change log

  • Fixed issue where round 1 doesn’t end. Even though the music ends, the rest of the game doesn’t get the message that it ended, unless the player jumps into a chair.

  • Fixed issue where round 2 repeats itself instead of going to round 3

1.0.0 Original Gamejam build



Next up

Just started on this jam today. Made a happy little anthropomorphic finger character, ready to do some typing.

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