Onslaught Resurrected

9 days ago

Screenshot of Onslaught Resurrected Level 21 = Antarctica... #lzdoom #fps #horror #retro



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New version of Onslaught Resurrected out. Version 3.5 redoes map21-30 of the game to be better, harder and longer.... Go here to download it: #lzdoom #retro #fps #horror

Onslaught resurrected 3.5 level 28 playthrough with scarier light settings. This map is a really scary one anyway, but this makes it even scarier... It's red everywhere and seems like hell is breaking loose... Fits perfectly. #lzdoom #retro #fps

New Version of Onslaught Resurrected Released! Version 4.0 brings the following changes: -revamped episode 1 and 3 minus map19 and 24. -Revamped maps are (mostly) better than predecessors. -more emphasis on slaughter -demos of all new levels! #fps #retro

Onslaught Resurrected 3.0 level 10 playthrough... This is the new Las Vegas level... It's a lot longer and a lot less weird than the old Las Vegas level. The old one was weirdly short and had a lot of water. Didn't make sense. #retro #fps #lzdoom

Onslaught resurrected 3.0 level 29 playthrough... This is the last playthrough I will be doing for Onslaught Resurrected... But this is a special one. This is the SCARIEST level in the game by far. So enjoy. #lzdoom #retro #fps #horror

Onslaught Resurrected 3.5 level 25.... This map is hard as hell and has lots of enemies that can kill you in one hit. I did amazingly well at this map and got crazy lucky in it... #lzdoom #retro #fps #horror

New version of Onslaught Resurrected out. 3.0 brings TOTALLY revamped levels for map09-12, map14 and map21! They are much bigger, much better and much harder! #lzdoom #retro #fps #horror

Onslaught Resurrected 3.5 level 22 - This is the first Underwater base level and it's redone in version 3.5. The map is short but quite difficult at times... Lots of weak weapons only... #lzdoom #retro #fps #horror

Onslaught resurrected 3.0 level 12 playthrough. This is the revamped Chicago level... it's an ENORMOUS improvement over the old one which was the worst level in 2.0 and 1.0. It is also the best map in the game now. #lzdoom #retro #fps #horror

Onslaught Resurrected 3.0 level 9 playthrough. This is the revamped Death Valley level. It's a lot longer, a lot darker, and a lot harder... It really feels different now, abandoned, eerie, messed up... #lzdoom #retro #fps #horror