So,im not a big fan of my name. Idk when i stopped liking it but i think bc it got so popular over the years bc of that stupid pop singer.
My mom name me a name that wasnt very common at the time and bc it has a good meaning behind it but over the years,as i said,i stopped liking it.
I wish i like it as much as my mom does </3
I wouldnt change it but you know...🙁

6 months ago
Next up
OhNo,LeT's CrY AbOuT It Bro,they can deal with me not going on it for one week,ok?
*Add this song to my one playlist*
ohok 🫠. I dont like this one
freddy dumbear
"B-24 Liberators of the 446th BG, 8th AAF, France, using Smoke Markers."
its tuesday,stop bitching about it.Also,idk if i wanna keep napping,lol
The bot is talking without me interacting with it =|