Now, I have no complaints for 2023's newest models, they're OUSTANDING. By 2024 they'll be as 3D as SA2's models probably. This is my favorite game, because like slap battles, it started out as barely anything worth anyone's time. Td got more popular around the time Sonic.Exe's Infected survivors couldn't escape. I still remember playing as Cream and I'd die and still I couldn't escape! It was funny I suppose but I was bad at aiming for the exit ring. Since for almost the two years of td's existence, OutLaik was originally going to stick to the game choosing the map, and back then when td's models were the oldest I've seen in Roblox I'd always wish You Can't Run was chosen. Now, a lot of you may not know, but I caught on to this WAY early on. I've always known that ever since Td Remake was released on Td's first anniversary that the ORIGINAL/BASE game was going to be a experimental project. It never left my mind. I liked Td, that was the truth, but I've always known that the original is what's been named "Sonic.Exe Experimental Mode" for TWO years. It's the original game, and I understand why Td was abandoned. The original is the one that's went through all these changes leading to what it is now. Now, unlike Tencell, OutLaiks ALWAYS been a sole developer. If Sega never made Sonic OutLaik could've made billions as a indie developer. I love the original Sonic franchise, and Sega's shown they have a lot of heart when they put their blood and souls into Sonic Frontiers. I haven't played it, but I've seen a lot to know they care. OutLaik is the same thing. I remember last year, when Td got that big update, (Experimental, Td Remake got abandoned 3-4 months ago,) Cream flying and all that, I knew OutLaik cared. I remember going to sleep one night, thinking how it'd be cool for Sonic.Exe to have a statistics bar, and 2 weeks later he did exactly that! I don't have Twitter or Discord to communicate with the guy, (Not that he'd see me as an individual when he's got a lot of work on his hands, no offense OutLaik...) But it's that kind of situation where he thinks what WE want, not just what HE wants. I've played the game as soon as Roblox was released on Playstation and I have to say Xbox Subscriptions aren't worth it. I played the game YESTERDAY on PC. I'm not usually very good at switching between the platforms I play games, like one day PC but the next I'm on mobile or then I'm playing on a PS. My point is, OutLaik has heart. I don't know the guy, but I've been with him down this hard road for a long time. I'm sad to admitt I only first played the game in November, a month after it was released, so I'm not the full time fan, but I'm a big fan. No other game has won my heart when it comes to the building community of Roblox. Beeswarm simulator is my second favorite game and I love it too, one of the first I ever played, (Who Hasn't?) I used to be obsessed with Animal Simulator, the very FIRST game I play on my current 3 year old account. I can say I've played it again and it's been updated a lot, but it doesn't show as much effort as The Disaster. Thank you if you read this far! (It means a lot to me, and I'd never stop playing this game.)

Next up
My tree ig.
Make my day or don't.
Merry Chrishmash!
Really, this is the dumbest art I ever made.
I'm bad at drawing stickmen and professional art.
Lord help me.
I don't own Kj.
Thank you everyone. And gamejolt for giving me something even better than a 1,000 likes trophy.
(1,287 likes? Not going to complain.)
But I still want my 1k likes trophy. How long do I have to wait.
Shadow and Maria having a little stroll
Started making this back in December, but I guess I either forgot, or I had something to do, and then it left my mind.
I really love the perfect-ish muzzle. Best muzzle I ever made.
The year of Shadow is over.
New group:…
This groups going to be Sonic.exe focused.
ChuckleHead Studio's remains the home for Knuckles and normal Sonic games that are un-related to exe content.
(Not really art, the image is the icon.)
Evolution of my Tails models.
Please join my roblox group to at least motivate me to continue to make these models ya'll enjoy.…
There was an even older model that I made, but I made it in one of my brothers game.
Once again I've started remaking a already evidently terrible model attempt. Goodbye, 1.0 Tails.
(He's being replaced.)
The new Tails is going to be recieving all the fame and glory you once gave 1.0 Tails.
Hope he turns out good